Alpha Male News

The truth about French Army

Опубліковано в державі France - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 13 Dec 2020 19:04 - 10

I have now officially been a member of the French Army for over a week, so I m here to share my experiences. Not only does the French Army constantly finish in the top 10 or even top 5 damage in the Weekly Tournament week after week, but it is something much more.

If I had to describe French Army in just two words, they would be masculinity and brotherhood. There is this mentality to always help a brother out. We are all bros here.

I experienced this myself, when the zipper or my military pants got stuck. Another bro was there immediately to help me out!
A French Army bro (right) was helping me (left) with my stuck zipper.

Sometimes we have long missions which means that we have to spend many months away from home. When a younger French Army novice was a bit homesick and missing his girlfriend in France, more experienced and higher ranking officer Carnax offered him some comfort and helped a bro out !
Carnax (right) helped his bro who was missing his girlfriend.

We fight hard like Alpha Males, and that means sometimes we may have some little bruises.... Here a younger French Army soldier had some back pain, so veteran French Army officer Lo0pinG helped his bro and gave him a back mage:
Lo0pinG giving some.... mage.

This just proves that the French Army is the greatest and most masculine military unit in the whole world! I have really enjoyed fighting alongside all these bros!

At the end we will show you some of the French Army guys´girlfriends back home in France.


Pony of DarknessCarnaxMagellanDurantax1Durantax1Durantax1Durantax1Durantax1VincibabeGreen EyesLo0pinGArtiom Beleaevju1986YerliVeMilliCarnaxCarnax

Коментарі (10)

Wow it s quality journalism ! You know that in the uniform of the French army, we have a zipper on our underpants, this is to be more confortable during opex mission in hot mal... i mean countries !
A lot of testosterone in this article o7
i m not giving massage
You were just receiving it 🤣
We should import these techniques, so we got the Alpha Boost to increase the power of our... weapons... Only 24.99 € in the Alpha Pack, if you do not buy, then you are a Twinkie!
Lo0pinG haha Laugh Laugh ;D
@Carnax and the big hole in the backside of the pants, just for ventilation reasons of course !
@Pony of Darkness but then most guys here would probably be twinkies! Sad (Although from what I ve read that s also the case in real life, most guys on Grindr are bottom twinks and there is a shortage of alpha tops Surprised )
Oh now there is a duty for us manly masculine men to use Grindr to balance this, a sacrifice we do with pain in our hearts (and in other organs too) to fix the economy of these apps
Yes, we must! For the greater good!