A stack of happy boxes

Publicado en Colombia - Análisis de Guerra - 20 Oct 2016 20:15 - 7


This is HungryKevin, the CP of Taiwan

Some of you may know that couple weeks ago we extended our NAP, even when the world was at war

Inside there are two terms
2)Venezuela, Colombia and Taiwan could arrange a Training war among others, but must be negotiated 24 hours before the start of any Training war
3)Other than Training Wars, Venezuela, Colombia and Taiwan cannot put Daily Order, Declare of War, nor fight each other

But on day 283 something very unexpected happened
A RW started in Pacifica without any notice from the Colombia side
Consider we are in MDP and is at war, we believe the RW was started by some of our enemies in Invistus

But what happened next is unacceptable
First thing we saw when we wake up is Colombia made 100M damage on the war, which is apparently NOT a scheduled Training war
Which means Colombia side should not be fighting on, so I look in a little further and found this


Order of the day. With Xdeivyx the CP who signed the NAP and being a captain in the MU
I expect President of Colombia to explain to his own MU about what you have signed and control your people.
Not only you fight in a war you knew Colombia side is not allowed to fight on, you even let your MU to set DO on the war that is breaking the NAP

We need a functioning government who is not only able to sign a NAP with us, but also explain the NAP and help the people to respect the NAP
If the CP of Colombia choose to give up and not follow anything that was signed, we consider this NAP to be broken
And any military action will be responded accordingly

And to whom it may concerns, we are chill and relax, but doesn't mean we are soft
Don't make promises that you cannot keep

CP of Taiwan


THE ONEYuri Makarov

Comentarios (7)

Hope u already talk