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Lajbach - Newspaper from Slovenia -

Published in Slovenia - Social interactions and entertainment - 21 Apr 2022 00:19 - 9





Loving PabloPony of DarknessShamash God Of Justice

Comments (9)

This seems just a problem with the https certificate. It is nothing a big issue, but it reduces the security of personal data, so yeah, I hope this is solved (although I did not saw this error on my browser)
Pony personal data is also credit cards players use them to buy pakets,its solved nov but its noot good sond,why your profile picture need 9 days to get refreshed on server🤷🤷🤷,hov ever those kind siglnal its goot to take serius
This is a not a problem. Letsencrypt certificates is valid for 90 days and must be renewed when the time expires. Maybe admin write renew-hook for SSL certificates
And Lajbach, the fact that images are not refreshed has no relation with security, but with your browser cache, and the fact that image name does not change when you upload a new one. It is rather a bad coding pattern than a security issue.
Roshyo i agree whit ur teory but you know hov it is,warning mesage is whit reason,you canot just ignore it,but like i say,it is fixed nov