
Interview of Shirogane

انتشار شده در Japan - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 07 Mar 2016 10:11 - 10


Hello everyone !
After the interview of KrstaVB who is the new CP of Serbia, I publish an interview of Shirogane, the former CP of Mexico.


http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/747200pucelolies.png Can you introduce yourself ?

I'm Shirogane,just Shirogane (or Darky to Mexican Players o/) , second CP of Mexico, Traitor and ProFailer o/

http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/747200pucelolies.png What are your plans for this month ?

See México free and choice one side in this world.

http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/747200pucelolies.png What do you think about the new update from admins ? (about helis)

 I am not a Visa , just have to adapt to changes and to continue playing. But I find it somewhat unfair for visas , they have spent a lot of money in this game, I think they deserve compensation from the admin.

http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/747200pucelolies.png How was your term this month ?

Very funny!, I am a traitor to USA, Venezuela and EAGLE although they are hypocrites (Hello Romania , Sweden !). Sorry USA / Vene- But I have a good relationship with the leaders of several nations , and count on their support , I think my help to stabilize South America served a little. Besides having a war against the United States , to help allies. Good end of the month I guess.

http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/747200pucelolies.png What is your opinion about Japan ?

very very very crazy people xD, but good friends :P

http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/747200pucelolies.png Why did you have attack the USA and how do you think it will finish ?

Help Japan and SK, just that.... I don't know but it's funny, No Fun No Game!.

http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/747200pucelolies.png Have you something to say for japanese players ?

Tienen el total apoyo de Mexico! , aquí puro barrio pesado morros fierro!. Use Translate.Google.com!. Eat tacos and drink Coca-Cola :P. Sorry for my bad english- xD

La única cosa que odio es que pongan ;) (---- esto , cuando dan sus puntos de vista o sus intentos de troleo.

Realmente me dan ganas de golpearlos hasta bajarles los TG a patadas O/.

I would like to thanks to Shirogane to accept this interview. The next time, I'll publish an interview of KyloRen, CP of Greece.
Kind regards,



نظر ها (10)

he he nice Laugh o/
jajajaj Shirogane haciendo Fails desde tiempo inmemorables XD
nice Interview, voted Laugh
Siempre con sus mamadas xDD