Battle Knowledge

rontow - Periodico de Israel -

Publicado en Israel - Debates y Analisis politico - 26 Sep 2023 07:26 - 1

Free Regions!
(it's free real estate!)
I'll keep this article short, as when I tried to post it with links and details, it was too much for some reason + I'm sick, so I will keep it as easy for the servers to process as possible.

The following countries have not had a single active citizen in the last 100 days:
Austria : 1 region
Belgium : 2 regions
China : 1 region
Malaysia : 1 region (Coastal)
Montenegro : 1 region
New Zealand : 1 region (Coastal)
Philippines : 1 region (Coastal)
Singapore : 1 region (Coastal)
Uruguay : 2 regions

these regions are not being used at the moment. there are 11 more dead countries, but they've been completely wiped.

I am sorry that this was a rather short and undetailed one, but I am currently sick and don't have the energy to write all the details again, plus when I did write a detailed one, it was too much for the game it seems. hopefully you still found this article interesting and useful. see you in the next article!


MandoextremoBTCaspar HauserGtmardel

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Excelente Gracias