Japan SD News

Kame Sennin - Periodico de Serbia -
Banned Names

Publicado en Romania - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 04 Apr 2021 05:18 - 3



TBPTKOMrBogdanGreen EyesMy Dad Is My SuperheroNairobiNairobiCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockPony of DarknessBunnyLiuElcelaXpertizaXpertizaXpertizaXpertizaXpertizaAgisAgisAgisAgisAgisKromionniksapniksapXpertizaXpertizaXpertizaXpertizaXpertizakavalaparazituFefeleagaBRUNO CDRkakashi681BellboyeltorrenkffnkffnkffnkffnkffNoJob

Comentarios (3)

Banned Names - https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/37292
USA - Karen
I add for the french story that the sister is called fraise which means strawberry in frencj